July 13, 2021 


Dear St. Patrick Catholic School Families, 


The 2021-2022 school year is upon us. I am very excited to start this school year and am looking forward to meeting all of you on Tuesday, August 17th at our Orientation Day Open House from 10:00am to 2:00pm.   Additionally, the faculty and staff look forward to meeting our new families and renewing friendships with returning families.   


We plan to open school under plan A according to the NCDHHS Strong Schools NC Public Health Toolkit (K-12).  The latest COVID guidelines were updated on June 11, 2021.  We will operate the orientation day based on these guidelines unless new ones come out prior to the event.  At this time, we ask that all parents and children above 5 attending the orientation wear masks in the building.  Faculty and staff will also be masked.  While on campus all faculty, staff, parents and students should keep a minimum of six feet physical distance inside the building.   


I will be available for a meet and greet for all families from 10:00am to 12:00pm in the Conference Suite.  Additionally, there will be a new family meeting in the gymnasium at 1:00pm. 


Orientation Day activities include: 

  • Meet and Greet with principal in Conference Suites from 10:00am to 12:00pm 
  • New Family Meeting in gym at 1:00pm 
  • Visiting classrooms and meeting teachers 
  • Dropping off school supplies 
  • Completing and turning in paperwork from the orientation packet 
  • Pre-ordering Yearbooks 


ORIENTATIONS PACKETS:  Orientation packets will be ready by Monday, August 9th.  We encourage everyone to come in to pick up their packets before Orientation Day.  This will allow you to complete the necessary forms in advance. It is important to have all the information available in the school office before school begins on August 17th 


FINANCES:  All tuition payments must be made through FACTS Tuition Management Program.  If you have not done so, please set up your account as soon as possible.  No student is placed on the official class list until the FACTS account is set up. 


AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP:   We will maintain the two options for dismissal. Families with preschool and kindergarten students must pick up in the front of the school. If you do not have a preschooler or a kindergarten student you may sign up to use the school lot or the church lot pick-up lines on Orientation Day.  


No parking is permitted in the traffic circle in the front of school before school begins or within 20 minutes before dismissal.  This allows for a steady flow of drop-offs and pick-ups. Please do not park in the preschool lot during school, unless you have a child in the preschool class. 


SCHOOL ENTRANCE:   The front doors to the conference suite (on the traffic circle) will be open from 6:45am  -7:30am for before care.  Starting at 7:30 am students should be dropped off in the circle and enter the school via the front doors.  At other times, those wishing entrance into the building will have to use the intercom/buzzer system at the front lobby doors.  The intercom is located next to the doors under the canopy.  The basic procedure is to buzz the office, be recognized by someone in the office, listen for the click of the lock release, enter the lobby and proceed to the office before going anywhere else in the building.  COVID guidelines state no visitors allowed in the building at this time.   


AFTER SCHOOL EXTENDED CARE:  St. Patrick School offers after school care from 3:15 until 6:00 pm or 12:15pm to 6:00pm on half days when school is in session.   


AUGUST 18-20 SCHOOL HOURS:   We ask that children arrive at school between 7:30 and 7:45am.  The conference suite doors open at 6:45am and students will remain in the conference suite until 7:30am.  Children are considered tardy/late after 8:00am.  Dismissal is at 12:15pm for all children. (Extended Care will be open 12:15pm-6pm.)  KINDERGARTEN AND PRESCHOOL PARENTS: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE. 


UNIFORMS:  Used school uniforms are on sale at school from now through Orientation Day.  The office is open from 9am to 12pm for shopping.  Please call ahead so we can be sure someone can assist you.   


HOT LUNCH:  The hot lunch program will begin on Monday, August 23rd.  We will continue to use MyHotLunchBox.com.  You may create a login and order and pay for lunches for the week or month at that site.  There will be more information in your Orientation Packet. 


KINDERGARTEN PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORMS are required to be given to the school office by August 17th.  Please request that the examining physician’s name or clinic stamp is placed on the physical exam form, if it is not on letter head.  (Forms will be included in this letter for Kindergarteners only.) 


7TH GRADE IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENT:  A booster dose of TDap vaccine is required for all students who are entering 7th grade, if 5 or more years have passed since their last dose of tetanus/diphtheria toxoid.  The state of NC is also requiring a meningococcal vaccine.  A copy of your student’s updated immunization record is due in the school office by August 17th. 


GENERAL REMINDERS:  A parents’ handbook will be provided with the Orientation packet. 

We have included a signature page that must be signed by both parents and students which indicates that you have read the handbook.   

Calendar of Events: 

August 17 Orientation Day Open House (10:00am – 2:00pm) 

New Parent Meeting (1:00am) 

August 18-20 12:15 dismissal each day (Extended Care will be in session) 

August 23 Full school days begin 

August 26 School Mass 

August 27 Spirit day 

September 3 12:15 dismissal – Labor Day Vacation begins. 

September 6 No School-Labor Day 


I hope you enjoy the remainder of summer vacation and I look forward to seeing you in August. 


Many blessings, 

Christa Larkin 
