Parent Memo: December 4, 2020
Dear Parents,
It is with profound sadness that I announce I must resign as the Principal of St. Patrick Catholic School in June 2021 at the end of the school year. I have found a warm and welcoming home here at St. Patrick’s, and I had hoped to remain with the school for many years to come. However, my personal health challenges will not let me continue along this path. I cherish the friendships I have made and will always remember my time here with happiness and love. I thank you for entrusting me with your precious children, for your care and support of our school, and I ask for your continued prayers as we all navigate these difficult times together.
In Service,
Ms. Laura
This Sunday is the Feast of St. Nicholas, and it has been a long-standing tradition at St Patrick to have old St. Nick Ho-Ho-Ho through the hallways ringing a bell and putting a stocking full of candy outside each classroom’s door on St. Nicholas Day. Happily, that’s one tradition we didn’t have to dispense with this year because of Covid, and old St. Nick made an early stop at the school today!
Students in grades 5-8 are receiving individual notebook computers before Christmas. More are on back order awaiting arrival. It is our intent that this will allow us to do more group work and collaborative learning inside the classroom without physically getting closer to each other. It will also ease the burden for technology on families in the event that the school is ordered to close due to Covid. We do not anticipate that happening, but it’s always prudent to hope for the best yet prepare for the worst.
Iowa testing results have been sent home with students in grades 3-8 this week accompanied by a letter that explains how to read the results. Please contact your child’s teacher if you do not receive these results.
We plan to enjoy Christmas parties with our students but because of our Covid requirements, only teachers and their students can attend this year. Children are not able to attend parties of siblings either because of our requirement that each class remains separated from the other. The teachers will communicate with you about sending in money this year for the Christmas party. Then, the teacher will purchase all food and crafts for the event which will be held on the last day of school prior to the break after we have enjoyed the Living Rosary production. Please comply with your own teacher’s requirements as there may be some small differences from teacher to teacher. We would appreciate it all parents could send in the small amount of money requested by the teacher so that we can make the parties fun and bountiful for the children. We are NOT encouraging parents to send in goody bags or other products. Please clarify with your teacher about this. Thank you!
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services issued new guidelines this week for private schools or any schools with onsite learning right now. The new guidelines require that all schools comply with masking and social distancing. We have reviewed all the guidelines, and our school has already been in compliance with them since school began. Therefore, we don’t have to change anything to meet the new requirements. We will continue providing as great a level of protection and safety for your children that we can.
Below, you will see the reservation form to send your child a special message on a special day by painting the SHAM-ROCK. The kids always get the biggest kick out of it. Instructions below.
Help your student and their classmates win a FREE DRESS DAY! The class with the most Box Tops at the end of the month will win a free dress pass. Remember to give your student credit for scanned receipts for Box Tops. Watch this quick video right now to learn how!
December 8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Children will be participating in livestreamed Mass on this day instead of Thursday, as usual
December 18th – 12:15 dismissal all students– NO EXTENDED CARE TODAY
Kindergarten presenting the Living Rosary – will be recorded for viewing at home
Class Christmas parties for students only. Watch for teacher communication
about this.
Dress down for students – dress in Christmas theme
December 19 – Jan 3 – Christmas holidays – Students return to school on January 4th.